Reduce stress & improve productivity
with mindfulness-based training

Starting with mindfulness at workStress, anxiety and depression are the top reasons for staff absence, conflict and poor morale.

This reduces productivity, and you risk losing key employees.  Poor mental health can cost £1,500 per employee pa (Deloitte).

Happily, something can be done about it, easily.

Mindfulness is proven to help you...

...get focused

Concentration improves, and one is less worried about what's in the past or what might happen in the future.

...stay calm

People learn to pause before reacting, taking a moment to stay grounded, get perspective, and respond wisely.

...get more done

Productivity improves, motivation is better, teams function better, sick days reduce and staff are retained.


 - feedback from over 500 of our trainees


less stressed
& more focused


more productive
& creative


& better teams

over 4x

return on investment
in Y1 and 

If you're an employer looking to resolve stress-related issues or build better teams...

If you're an individual looking transform your life and get guidance and support...

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